The story of Final Fantasy VIII follows Squall Leonhart, a cadet in a military academy called Balamb Garden.
A group of cadets/mercenaries from Balamb Garden, led by Squall are drawn into a conflict sparked by Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future who wishes to compress time.
- Squall
- - A talented student of Balamb Garden, one of the few people who wield a gunblade.
- Rinoa
- - Member of a resistance group, fighting against the nation of Galbadia, a nation her father is a General for.
- Zell
- - A Balamb Garden student with unrivalled Martial Arts skills.
- Quistis
- - The youngest teacher at Balamb Garden, even younger than some of her students.
- Selphie
- - An exchange student from Trabia Garden.
- Irvine
- - A sharpshooter from Galbadia Garden.
- Laguna
- - A writer and former soldier of the Galbadian army.