Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy IV's story follows Cecil, a Dark Knight of the Kingdom of Baron. Cecil struggles against a Sorcerer named Golbez who is trying to seize the power of the crystals and bring ruin to the world.

This game also saw an evolution to the turn based combat system of the first 3 games, introducing a time based mechanic where a characters turn would build up based on their stats and any status effect applied to them in that moment.

This would become the norm for the next 6 games and inspired others beyond.


- A Dark Knight and Captain of the Red Wings of Baron.

- The commander of the Baron Dragoons, close friend to Rosa and Cecil.

- Childhood friend to Cecil and Kain.

- A young summoner from the vailla of Mist.

- An Elderly Sage seeking revenge against the games antagonist, Golbez.